Thursday, February 6, 2020

No Plastic-Wrapped Meat and Seafood!

… almost all of the butcher and seafood areas of the grocery store are displays of plastic-wrapped protein items. As luck would have it, yesterday I received a weekly specials e-mail from Whole Foods, and one of the items was whole chickens, and the picture did not show it wrapped in plastic. I has been wondering how I was going to do a roast chicken for dinner tonight, because I usually buy the wrapped up whole bird. Not this time. I rolled the dice and went to Whole Foods this morning, and I was so happy to see the following:
Even the whole birds were not wrapped in plastic - woohoo! And all the different pieces and parts you could want. I was very pleased to see this. I did ask the butcher to not use plastic in wrapping it, and she held up the tissue and the wrapping paper. Yes! So Whole Foods is a go, as is PCC.
Unfortunately, in my excitement, I picked up a container of blueberries on sale, which I was very excited about. So... I had to return them. "What's wrong with them?" "Nothing, I'm just doing plastic-free February and so I can't buy them." The other customer service person said that he and his girlfriend are also trying to reduce their plastic use, so we talked a bit about what I had learned so far, and told him about Eco-Collective.

Another find of the morning was tahini (sesame paste) in a jar with a metal lid - score! The previous brand I had been using in my hummus came in a metal can with a plastic lid.
Small victories... keep 'em coming...

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