Saturday, February 8, 2020

Progress Week One

We didn't do too badly over the week! Thom is sticking with his 5-hour Energy drinks, as he has not found an acceptable substitute. There are a couple of beer four-pack lids, but we could switch to using growlers, and some brands we like come in cardboard packs. We decided to keep with his preferred juice, which is Dole Pineapple-Orange-Banana, which is in a milk carton-type container, but the small pouring spout is plastic. We looked in many stores and could not find an acceptable substitute in a glass bottle. I was happy that the Knudsen Low-Sodium "Very Veggie" juice in the glass bottle actually tastes better than the V-8 Low Sodium in the plastic bottle. Twice as expensive, though. :(

Day Eight: our disposable plastic usage so far.

We know which stores carry which kinds of items. We are getting used to buying in bulk, and asking the butcher and deli staff to wrap without plastic. We are not using packaged or frozen foods*, but luckily I have the time and inclination to cook. We still go out to eat about once or twice a week. We are doing better than I expected, but it is still a challenge.

This was us on Day One.

*… well, excluding the occasional frozen king crab that I bought direct from Trident foods in December - it came in a cardboard box with 10 pounds of king crab legs inside a large plastic bag.

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